Stanley College

About us

Location Northbridge , Australia Funding Type Private
No of Students 1900 Establishment HE Institution / College
Founded In 2008 Estimated Cost of Living 24505 AUD
Address 171 James Street

Stanley College is an independent Institute of Higher and Vocational Education with more than 13 years of experience.

One of Australia’s largest educational institutions, Stanley College employs over 200 dedicated and highly-qualified staff who work together to achieve successful learning outcomes for all students, helping them to reach their highest potential. We are a multi-campus institution with a presence in two regional cities: Perth and Adelaide, central to public transport, shopping, and business districts.

The staff, who between them speak 18 different languages, support students in all areas of campus life, from financial assistance via scholarship schemes, academic assistance for their studies, internships to gain workplace experience, and advice in securing employment upon graduation.

We provide English language courses, vocational training, bachelor’s degrees and professional year qualifications equivalent to TAFE and University degrees in Australia.

Our integrated approach to education allows students to acquire the skills and knowledge they need for their chosen careers by ensuring they are job-ready.

Join Stanley College and be part of an institution rated number 1 in WA for Student Satisfaction.


Vision, Values and Purpose
Stanley College’s strategic plan and day-to-day operations are guided by its vision, values, and clear sense of purpose.

Stanley College sees itself as being a leader in the delivery of high-quality education that is affordable and develops job-ready, connected graduates.

Stanley College aims to differentiate itself in the tertiary education sector by building on its strong position in Vocational Education and Training (VET) to also deliver Higher Education (HE) courses more clearly focused on helping students become ready for profitable employment.

Stanley College is committed to six core values:

At Stanley College, we pursue our vision by remembering that, for our students and their communities, we are here to prepare students for successful participation in the economy.

Every year, more than 5 million students go abroad to study. They are seeking to learn about other cultures and languages, to become more confident and independent; they seek to acquire new skills and knowledge. And then, employers are looking for graduates who are tolerant and confident, with proven problem-solving skills. They are seeking team members who can help them innovate and grow. At Stanley College, we offer pathway programs that focus on two objectives: developing both the attributes students seek to gain, personal and professional, and meeting the requirements of employers to grow their businesses.

What are Education Pathways?
Pathway programs are usually designed to prepare students for an undergraduate degree program at a university or a High Education provider such as Stanley College. Traditionally, a pathway program was for students unable to enter into an undergraduate program directly. This may be because they had not achieved an education provider’s entry requirements. That is, either their academic achievements were insufficient for direct entry into a degree program, or their command of the English language was not at the required level.

In such cases, most universities offer a pathway program (either a Certificate or a Diploma), which, after successful completion, allows students either to commence an undergraduate program in the first semester or to enter directly into the second year.

How are Stanley College Pathways Different?
At Stanley College, we have designed pathway programs that not only prepare students for entry into a bachelor’s degree at Stanley College, but also provides them with practical skills and experiences that will make them “work ready” at an earlier stage in their studies. They also have the opportunity to graduate with more qualifications—Stanley College pathway students will graduate not only with a Higher Education (university-level) qualification, but also with a Certificate III and a Diploma, nationally recognized Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications that are highly regarded locally and internationally.

Pathway programs at Stanley College are longer than those offered at universities—they are not just crash courses in academic writing skills, referencing and learning how to write a resume. Their purpose is to provide students with the best possible opportunities to gain employment in the industry of their choice as soon as they graduate. Whilst many students spend years in mostly menial jobs that are unrelated to their studies, Stanley College students earn their first qualification after the first or second semester, enabling them to find casual or part-time employment in the field of their chosen VET course, even before they start the degree part of program. Many students who have gained employment on the basis of their VET qualifications, applying the fundamental skills they learned during that phase of their pathway program, have gone on to enjoy supervisory positions whilst studying for their degree.