Brunel University London

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Location Uxbridge, United Kingdom
Funding Type Public
No of Students14790
Type University
Year of Establishment 1966

Brunel University London is a public research university located in the Uxbridge area of London, England. It was founded in 1966 and named after the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. In June 1966, Brunel College of Advanced Technology was awarded a royal charter and became Brunel University. The university is often described as a British plate glass university.

Brunel is organized into three colleges and three major research institutes, a structure adopted in August 2014 which also changed the university's name to Brunel University London. Brunel has over 12,900 students and 2,500 staff and had a total income of £200.7 million in 2014/15, of which 25% came from grants and research contracts. Brunel has three constituent Academic Colleges: College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, and College of Health and Life Sciences.


In the late 1990s, Brunel devised a 10-year, £250 million masterplans for the campus. This involved selling off-campus sites at Runnymede, Osterley, and Twickenham and using the revenue from the sales to renovate and update the buildings and facilities on the Uxbridge campus. Works carried out included a library extension, a state-of-the-art sports complex, renovated students' union facilities, a new Health Sciences teaching center, and the construction of more halls of residence.

The Brunel campus (especially those buildings in the 1960s 'Brutalist architectural style) has appeared in several films, most famously in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, large parts of which were filmed on campus. It has also featured in several UK television series including Spooks, Silent Witness, The Sweeney, and Inspector Morse.

1. Everything is on campus

Brunel is a campus-based university, so everything you need is moments away. You are never more than a ten minute walk from halls of residence, catering, social, sports and study facilities, lecture theatres, the Library and support services. A perfect campus built around student needs.

2. A committed Student Union

The Student Union is phenomenal. They are there solely to make sure that students are having the time of their lives. Over the years they’ve achieved amazing things from making the library open 24 hours a day, to introducing a mini-Subway restaurant on campus. Yum!

3. Amazing Alumni

The Alumni at Brunel include some kings and queens of British media and entertainment, from comedian Jo Brand and Lee Mack, to actors Alizah Imtiaz to Greg Davies.

4. Olympic royalty 

 Our facilities are so good that Olympic running legend, Usain Bolt, has been training in our very own sports centre – need I say more!

5. The uni is named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel

The University is named after the great Victorian engineer that blessed us with the Great Western Railway. We even have a statue memorial of him at the uni.

6. Boris Johnson could be our new MP

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has recently been selected to stand for the Tories in Uxbridge and South Ruislip, which is the area of London in which the university is located, so he could be our new MP.

7. Poet-lecturer

We are lucky enough to have poet and Refugee Boy writer, Benjamin Zephaniah, as a lecturer and Professor of Poetry at the university.

8. Support for the future 

Brunel University features an award-winning Placement and Careers Centre, helping you forge your path towards your dream job. They hold great connection events helping you meet key members of many industries, from Journalism to Engineering. For example, this term, students had the opportunity to listen to key speakers in the world of Journalism, such as investigative journalist Nick Davies, author of the book Hack Attack.

9. A tranquil escape

As we have established, Brunel is located in the hustle and bustle of London, but there is a peaceful retreat nearby. Brunel is near the Colne Valley Park and the Grand Union Canal, which is only a 15-minute walk away. So you can take a break from the chaos and unwind in the picturesque woodland park, one of Brunel’s best-kept secrets.

10. Learn something every day 

Not only is Brunel home to an incredibly diverse and multicultural community of students but it also nurtures an impressive range of clubs and societies so you are encouraged to broaden your horizons and learn about different cultures.

The university was ranked 28th globally for its ‘International Outlook’ (7th in the UK), topping other prestigious institutions such as Cambridge, London School of Economics, and King’s College London.

The annual THE World University Rankings rate research-intensive universities from across the world across five criteria – their International Outlook, Citations, Teaching, Research, and Industry Income – with Brunel this year showing marked improvement in three of the five areas.

Overall the university sits comfortably within the world’s top 400 universities.

Previous international rankings released over the past year by THE show Brunel is doing particularly well in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), nearing the top of the charts in the areas of ‘Reduced Inequalities’, where it ranked 16th globally, and ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, where it ranked 29th. Across 15 of the 17 SDGs, Brunel is ranked in the top 200 research institutions.