York St John University

About us

Location York, United Kingdom Funding Type Public
No of Students 6500 Establishment University
Founded In 1841 Estimated Cost of Living 9207 GBP
Address Lord Mayor's Walk, York YO31 7EX, UK

At York St John University we have a great community ethos and a strong reputation for supporting students from all over the world, both personally and academically. We prepare our students for the future, not only equipping them with the subject-specific skills and knowledge to go on to their chosen career, but also the transferable life and work skills that employers are looking for both in the UK and overseas.

Why Choose York St John University? 
Our stunning city-centre campus has seen significant
investment, whilst still retaining its beautiful, historic buildings as well as developing newly built facilities. Numerous international students from as far away as China, Indonesia and Lithuania, amongst many other countries, have studied with us and graduated with excellent qualifications. But it is the experience, life skills and extracurricular achievements they take with them that makes our graduates truly appreciate their time at York St John University.


In 2014 York was designated a UNESCO City of Media Arts.

York has been voted one of Britain's best cities, as chosen by Telegraph readers (Telegraph newspaper 2017).

Students study at York St John University from over 100 countries around the world.

Guaranteed accomodation in 1st year

Located in york, North Yorkshire, England