Spojena skola Novohradska

About us

Location Bratislava, Slovakia Funding Type Public
No of Students 1400 Establishment IB School
Founded In 1959 Estimated Cost of Living NA
Address Novohradska 3

Spojena skola Novohradska in Bratislava, Slovakia is a school with a long tradition and a very good long standing reputation, every year gaining the first or second top positions of the school ranking of Slovakia. Our students achieve outstanding results in national, as well as international tests and assessments.  The school offers the 3 IB programmes as the only state school (tuition free) in Slovakia, as well as the whole range of the national curriculum programs for students aged 6-19. The school itself has a long tradition of success in national and international competitions in natural sciences, IT, debating, language competitions both national and foreign, sports, as well as organizing international conferences (e.g. BratMUN – Bratislava Model United Nations organized by our DP students). Throughout the school, we have a truly international environment and a good cooperation between the programs. 


Spojena skola Novohradska consist of Zakladna skola Kosicka (Elementary), Gymnazium Jura Hronca (Secondary Gramma) and International Baccalaureate World school. It was founded in 1959. It is located in the capital of Slovakia and caters for the needs of the whole Slovakia.