About us

Location Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Funding Type Private
No of Students 300 Establishment Language School
Founded In 2011 Estimated Cost of Living NA
Address B-7-3, Block B ( unit 1-5 ) , Megan avenue 2 , Jalan yap kwan seng

EMS is a professional English language centre in bustling Kuala Lumpur, offering the highest academic standards in learning. We provide English courses to meet different learning goals and aspirations in efficient and enjoyable ways in multi-cultural Malaysia.Our international team of qualified staff provides full support all the way from enrolment to graduation to help you gain confidence and success. We prepare you for university admission globally, as well as help improve your career prospects and general communication skills.


Learning according to their level of proficiency.
Small classes where students will have full attention of the instructors. Extra guidance where they can discuss with the tutor the problems they encounter and find the solutions together. 
Internationally-recognized teaching materials for an effective learning experience. Learning through a varied and comprehensive learning process, involving student-centred activities such as crossword puzzles, role-play, conversational exercises, skimming and scanning games.