ICD Business School

About us

Location Dublin, Ireland Funding Type Private
No of Students NA Establishment HE Institution / College
Founded In 1990 Estimated Cost of Living 7500 EUR
Address Wicklow House, 84-88 South Great George's Street, Dublin, Ireland

Welcome to ICD Business School. For all new students at ICD, we congratulate you on achieving your place in college and are excited at the prospect of helping you to integrate into our learning community. For all continuing students, we are thrilled to welcome you back and hope you have had a nice break ahead of another year of learning.
You have joined a uniquely diverse higher educational institution that is proudly approaching twenty years of providing high quality education in a vibrant and friendly  learning environment. We are delighted to provide a student-focused learning experience to all our business and accounting students at Level 8 (Honours Degree) and Level 9 (Masters). Our excellent staff and students continuously work hard to craft an atmosphere of inclusivity, trust, excellence, and transparency in our teaching and learning strategies and in our approach to ensuring that every student at ICD feels equally valued and that every student at ICD can enjoy learning and socialising at ICD.
In the heart of Dublin’s City Centre, we are surrounded by culture, commerce, history, and opportunity. We have sports teams, active student representatives, caring studentfocused staff, and an ever-growing calendar of annual ICD social events that we hope will provide you with the best possible educational experience and also the best possible opportunity to integrate into the ICD learning community and also the wider community and culture of Dublin and Ireland. 
