Algonquin College

About us

Location Ottawa, Canada Funding Type Public
No of Students 19957 Establishment HE Institution / College
Founded In 1967 Estimated Cost of Living 20635 CAD
Address 1385 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean, ON K2G 1V8, Canada

Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is a publicly funded English-language college located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The college serves the National Capital Region and the outlying areas of Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Upstate New York. The college has three campuses, all in Ontario: a primary campus located in Ottawa, and secondary campuses located in Perth and Pembroke. The college offers bachelor's degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a range of disciplines and specialties. It has been ranked among the Top 50 Research Colleges in Canada.


The college was established during the formation of Ontario's college system in 1967. Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology were established on May 21, 1965, when the Ontario system of public colleges was created. The founding institutions were the Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology (established in 1957) and the Ontario Vocational Centre Ottawa (established in 1965 at the Woodroffe Campus and known as OVC). The original 8 acres site on Woodroffe Avenue was donated to the city by Mr.and Mrs.Frank Ryan.

The Ottawa architecture firm of Burgess, McLean & MacPhadyen designed the midcentury academic complex with open-ended blocks alternatively faced with long glass expanses in a semi-gambrel formation that make up the curtain walls and precast aggregate panels. The corporate campus or modernist academic acropolis spread across North America in the early 1960s. The entrance is via a deeply recessed terrace that's overhung with small white ceramic tiles and vintage can lights. The long walls are bumped out to float over the foundation. The foundation plantings keep the blocks from appearing stark.

The first Principal of the Ontario Vocational Centre (OVC) was Kenneth G. Shoultz. Principal Shoultz took on the leadership of OVC in 1965 after working as a technical studies teacher and then as an inspector for the Ontario Department of Education. K.G. Shoultz continued on as the first Dean of the Technical Centre after OVC was amalgamated with Algonquin College in 1967.


The world is your classroom at Algonquin College

Ask our students why they chose Algonquin College and they will be quick to tell you it’s the hands-on skills and career focus they gain from learning in realistic lab and classroom environments. By the time our students graduate, they are ready to take on the work world and are sought out by employers in every industry.

Algonquin’s success in numbers*:

  • 90% of graduates have jobs within six months of graduation
  • 96% of graduates would recommend Algonquin to others
  • 92% of employers are happy with the quality of Algonquin College programs
  • 5,867 students graduated last year
  • 445 apprentices were trained in a new trade
  • 1,200 students improved their literacy and basic skills
  • 800 young people were placed in jobs through Job Connect/Employment Services on the Pembroke and Perth Campuses