Australian College of Sport & Fitness (Australian Learning Group)

About us

Location Subiaco, Australia Funding Type Private
No of Students NA Establishment HE Institution / College
Founded In 1988 Estimated Cost of Living 24505 AUD
Address 5 Wembley Ct, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia

Australian Learning Group is a registered training organisation that has been offering high-quality vocational education and training to both domestic and international students for over 15 years.

Our fitness courses are fun and dynamic, with plenty of focus on “hands-on” learning. Successful students receive qualifications that offer employment opportunities across the Australian fitness industry.

Fitness qualifications at the Australian College of Sport & Fitness are recognised across the world in a variety of countries as a result of the relationship between Fitness Australia and the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs).

ICREPs is a partnership between international registration bodies that register exercise professionals. Members are independent, competency based registration systems for exercise professionals, and recognise the qualifications from other ICREPs members.

Fitness  graduates at the College are able to register with Fitness Australia or gain a Letter of Portability which is required for international portability. Students can gain international recognition and directly transfer to work at the member regions through the portability agreement between Fitness Australia and ICREPs.

Students can register in the following region specific registration bodies:

REPs Ireland
REPs New Zealand
REPs South Africa
REPs United Arab Emirates
REPs United Kingdom
REPs United States of America
EREPs (Europe)
REPs Lebanon
REPs Caribbean
HUREPs (Hungary)


The Australian College of Sport and Fitness has helped nurture and grow the potential of students to aid them in becoming more than just qualified fitness professionals. In addition to investing largely on quality teaching for students, the College has developed strong relationships with its gym partners to provide students with the tools necessary for success in the industry. Visit here for the latest jobs in the fitness industry.